Quantum physics

 What does this quantum physics actually say?
Actually quantum physics says as a main statement that matter as we know it is actually also only a form of energy, atoms are actually only empty space full of energy which moves like a vortex. Now Einstein has already shown this with his formula E=mc². Means actually only, energy is equal to mass times square of the speed of light. The practical proof has shown us the atomic bomb.


In the case of light, it has long been known that it has both particle and wave properties. Quantum physics now shows that this is true for all matter. If you measure the mass and weight of an atom,it appears as matter, if you measure voltage potential and wavelength,it appears as energy. From the view of the quantum physics the universe shows up as an integration of interdependent energy fields which influence themselves among themselves. And with this statement we are at the core statement of most ancient philosophical systems that everything is interconnected.

The question now is, why then can't I reach through the top of my desk, why can I operate the keyboard of my computer, why is it all so real? Because I vibrate on the same frequency, that's why things offer me resistance. And what is perception anyway? "The bleep" (www.thebleep.de)shows very clearly that perception originates in our head, what our sense organs convey to us only becomes what we perceive in the brain.

Quantum physics teaches us now however also that nothing is really real, because one can determine the place of a particle only if one observes it, objectively seen one can never say, where it is straight. This is shown very clearly in the double-slit experiment.

As if that were not enough, quantum physics also challenges time as a reality.We are used to thinking in four dimensions. Length, width, height and time. Quantum physics calculates with more dimensions, because otherwise it does not work and there also the time becomes a perception, which is an illusion.

This short introduction is not to show that Newton's law is now invalid, there is still gravity and the force of attraction in general, it is only to show that there is much more behind it than previously thought.

Here are a few core statements of quantum physics

Statement 1: The empty space

Considered exactly, everything we see is in the main empty space. Let's take the nucleus of a hydrogen atom and enlarge this nucleus to the size of a soccer.
Then the associated electron circles around this atom in a distance of 30 KM, in between there is nothing.

Statement 2: Is a particle matter or wave?

The answer is, both and. Interestingly, depending on the attitude of the observer, a particle behaves like matter or like waves. So the observer determines what the particle is.

Statement 3: Quantum jumps and probability
That the electrons orbit their nucleus on exactly defined paths has probably heard everyone in the physics lessons. But if the electrons change their orbit, then they leave the old orbit and appear at the same time on the other orbit. And one can never predict when the electrons change their orbit.

Statement 4: The indeterminacy principle

If you measure the location of a particle, you cannot measure its velocity at the same time and vice versa. This is called the Heisenberg uncertainty principle.

Statement 5: Non-locality, EPR, Bell's theorem and quantum entanglement
 Since Albert Einstein did not like quantum physics, he and physicists Podolsky and Rosen (EPR) wanted to disprove this unloved quantum physics. So they shot two particles in exactly opposite directions into space with a particle source. If you now act on one particle, the other particle changes in the same way. This so-called entanglement was proved by the physicist John Bell in 1964 and has been confirmed again and again in experiments in the meantime.

Conclusion from these statements:

Every human being is an observer of his environment in the sense of quantum physics and influences it. According to the Copenhagen interpretation,
a particle is only a particle when it is observed. The consciousness lets the environment come into being first.

  The only problem is that while we consciously process 2000 bits per second, unconsciously we process 400 billion bits. We all determine our world by our mostly unconscious beliefs.


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