Caught in Destiny
Hmm, if one deals now with the law of the life and with it with the seven principles, it is to be recognized clearly .........
No one is trapped in his destiny ... but trapped in his own thoughts .....
The following is a short summary of the seven principles.
It is a short version , you should look into it more deeply and perhaps invite you to study it .
YOU HAVE THE POWER to shape your life !
Always live in love and harmony with the laws and never against them . Your thoughts create your reality. Your thoughts create your feelings.
If you have unpleasant feelings, it shows you that you are choosing thoughts that do not serve you.
The Law of Life and its 7 Principles
The whole philosophy is based on seven COSMIC PRINCIPLES, which for me together are the LAW OF LIFE. If you live according to these principles, and not against them,
you will realize what a creative power you have.
Thot , the Egyptian God of WISDOM = Hermes Trismegistos , "the thrice great Hermes" of the Greeks , had once written them on emerald tablets ,
and so handed them down to mankind . . They were passed on and taught only in secret societies .
"The principles of truth are 7. He who knows and understands them possesses the master key by whose touch all the gates of the temple open . ( the Kybalion )
These principles are valid in the whole cosmos, on all levels of BEING. They are ETERNAL and unchangeable.
1. the principle of the spirit
Everything is SPIRIT. Everything that surrounds us is spirit. Every life form, every stone, every flower, every human being. Everything is spirit. You are in reality of a spiritual nature. You create it with your actions , words and thoughts . ( Your reality and all of us together , the reality of our world ) . Spirit is consciousness and energy . Quantum physics has now confirmed this . Matter is manifested spirit . Matter is created by spirit , it is very dense energy . Matter is created by causal thoughts and therefore matter is of spiritual origin . If EVERYTHING is spirit , so EVERYTHING is connected . EVERYTHING IS ONE. The source of LIFE is infinite CREATIVE SPIRIT. The CREATION is mental. MIND rules over matter.
Pay attention to your thoughts - they can create and destroy! Be aware of your responsibility! Which thoughts and words come out of you?
What do you CREATE thereby?
No one is trapped in his destiny ... but trapped in his own thoughts .....
The following is a short summary of the seven principles.
It is a short version , you should look into it more deeply and perhaps invite you to study it .
YOU HAVE THE POWER to shape your life !
Always live in love and harmony with the laws and never against them . Your thoughts create your reality. Your thoughts create your feelings.
If you have unpleasant feelings, it shows you that you are choosing thoughts that do not serve you.
The Law of Life and its 7 Principles
The whole philosophy is based on seven COSMIC PRINCIPLES, which for me together are the LAW OF LIFE. If you live according to these principles, and not against them,
you will realize what a creative power you have.
Thot , the Egyptian God of WISDOM = Hermes Trismegistos , "the thrice great Hermes" of the Greeks , had once written them on emerald tablets ,
and so handed them down to mankind . . They were passed on and taught only in secret societies .
"The principles of truth are 7. He who knows and understands them possesses the master key by whose touch all the gates of the temple open . ( the Kybalion )
These principles are valid in the whole cosmos, on all levels of BEING. They are ETERNAL and unchangeable.
1. the principle of the spirit
Everything is SPIRIT. Everything that surrounds us is spirit. Every life form, every stone, every flower, every human being. Everything is spirit. You are in reality of a spiritual nature. You create it with your actions , words and thoughts . ( Your reality and all of us together , the reality of our world ) . Spirit is consciousness and energy . Quantum physics has now confirmed this . Matter is manifested spirit . Matter is created by spirit , it is very dense energy . Matter is created by causal thoughts and therefore matter is of spiritual origin . If EVERYTHING is spirit , so EVERYTHING is connected . EVERYTHING IS ONE. The source of LIFE is infinite CREATIVE SPIRIT. The CREATION is mental. MIND rules over matter.
Pay attention to your thoughts - they can create and destroy! Be aware of your responsibility! Which thoughts and words come out of you?
What do you CREATE thereby?
2. the principle of the correspondences or analogies
As above - so below, as below - so above. As within - so without, as without - so within. As in the large - so in the small.
The principle of correspondence is also referred to in the Lord's Prayer . As in heaven so on earth .
For everything that exists in the world, there is a correspondence on every level of existence. ( Your reality in your environment ....our reality together in the world ) .
You can therefore recognize the big in the small and in the small the big.
And so, how you are inwardly, think and feel you also experience your outer world, and the outer world experienced by you always corresponds to what you yourself are inwardly: . If you are in HARMONY with yourself, you are equally in HARMONY with the outside world. When you change, everything around you changes. Everything that happens outside ALWAYS has to do with you. What you are, manifests itself in the outside. In your body, in your family, in your partnerships, in your job, in your free time, in your friends. Your life is a mirror of your inner life . as YOU think and feel , so YOU experience your environment .
Do you not like what YOU experience in your environment .... change your thinking and feeling .
3. principle cause and effect
Every cause has an effect - Every effect has a cause. Every action produces a certain energy, which returns with the same intensity to the starting point, i.e. to the producer.
The effect corresponds to the cause in quality and quantity. Like must produce like. Action = reaction.
Thereby the cause can be on many levels. Everything happens in accordance with the lawfulness. Every human being is creator, carrier and overcomer of his destiny.
You reap what YOU sow. If you sow oats, you get oats, if you sow hate, you get hate, if you sow love, you get love.
Every thought, every feeling, every deed is a cause that has an effect. So there is no sin, no guilt, no coincidence and no luck, but only CAUSE and EFFECT, which can be seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, many centuries and existences
and confront us again and again until they have been accepted by us in LOVE and thus have been dissolved.
Coincidence does not exist . Coincidence is the name for an effect whose cause we do not know. Every coincidence has a cause and falls to us intentionally.
Why do you have certain characteristics? Where do your behavior patterns come from? Consider with all your thinking, feeling, acting the effect. If you feel hate for someone, hate immediately returns to you in at least the same intensity. If you want to harm someone (the intention alone counts), you harm yourself in at least the same way! So let go of hate, anger and fear and open yourself to unconditional TRUST and LOVE.
You alone are responsible for yourself and your experience! You alone carry the responsibility
4. the principle of resonance or attraction
Like attracts like and is strengthened by like. Unequal repels each other.
Your personal behavior determines your personal circumstances and your entire life circumstances.
Everything in the universe vibrates on different frequencies, each of which sends out frequencies with which YOU go into resonance. You draw energies thereby life circumstances and persons into your life who vibrate with YOU similarly. Every thought , every word , every feeling carries a very special vibration . Love , gratitude and joy for example vibrate higher than for example hate , envy and sadness . Vibration is the carrier that attracts the particular situation .
Negative thoughts in turn attract negative thoughts and events . Fears attract the feared . Darkness attracts darkness, hate attracts hate, addiction attracts addiction, aggressiveness attracts aggressiveness and leads to strife and violence . - and if we don't stop and turn around, we start a downward spiral that leads to depression, despair, unhappiness.
If you want to make other experiences, YOU would do well to change your feelings, thoughts and words. YOU and only YOU determine on which frequency of vibration YOU want to move.
As above - so below, as below - so above. As within - so without, as without - so within. As in the large - so in the small.
The principle of correspondence is also referred to in the Lord's Prayer . As in heaven so on earth .
For everything that exists in the world, there is a correspondence on every level of existence. ( Your reality in your environment ....our reality together in the world ) .
You can therefore recognize the big in the small and in the small the big.
And so, how you are inwardly, think and feel you also experience your outer world, and the outer world experienced by you always corresponds to what you yourself are inwardly: . If you are in HARMONY with yourself, you are equally in HARMONY with the outside world. When you change, everything around you changes. Everything that happens outside ALWAYS has to do with you. What you are, manifests itself in the outside. In your body, in your family, in your partnerships, in your job, in your free time, in your friends. Your life is a mirror of your inner life . as YOU think and feel , so YOU experience your environment .
Do you not like what YOU experience in your environment .... change your thinking and feeling .
3. principle cause and effect
Every cause has an effect - Every effect has a cause. Every action produces a certain energy, which returns with the same intensity to the starting point, i.e. to the producer.
The effect corresponds to the cause in quality and quantity. Like must produce like. Action = reaction.
Thereby the cause can be on many levels. Everything happens in accordance with the lawfulness. Every human being is creator, carrier and overcomer of his destiny.
You reap what YOU sow. If you sow oats, you get oats, if you sow hate, you get hate, if you sow love, you get love.
Every thought, every feeling, every deed is a cause that has an effect. So there is no sin, no guilt, no coincidence and no luck, but only CAUSE and EFFECT, which can be seconds, minutes, hours, days, years, many centuries and existences
and confront us again and again until they have been accepted by us in LOVE and thus have been dissolved.
Coincidence does not exist . Coincidence is the name for an effect whose cause we do not know. Every coincidence has a cause and falls to us intentionally.
Why do you have certain characteristics? Where do your behavior patterns come from? Consider with all your thinking, feeling, acting the effect. If you feel hate for someone, hate immediately returns to you in at least the same intensity. If you want to harm someone (the intention alone counts), you harm yourself in at least the same way! So let go of hate, anger and fear and open yourself to unconditional TRUST and LOVE.
You alone are responsible for yourself and your experience! You alone carry the responsibility
4. the principle of resonance or attraction
Like attracts like and is strengthened by like. Unequal repels each other.
Your personal behavior determines your personal circumstances and your entire life circumstances.
Everything in the universe vibrates on different frequencies, each of which sends out frequencies with which YOU go into resonance. You draw energies thereby life circumstances and persons into your life who vibrate with YOU similarly. Every thought , every word , every feeling carries a very special vibration . Love , gratitude and joy for example vibrate higher than for example hate , envy and sadness . Vibration is the carrier that attracts the particular situation .
Negative thoughts in turn attract negative thoughts and events . Fears attract the feared . Darkness attracts darkness, hate attracts hate, addiction attracts addiction, aggressiveness attracts aggressiveness and leads to strife and violence . - and if we don't stop and turn around, we start a downward spiral that leads to depression, despair, unhappiness.
If you want to make other experiences, YOU would do well to change your feelings, thoughts and words. YOU and only YOU determine on which frequency of vibration YOU want to move.
5. the principle of polarity
Everything has two poles ....Everything has a counterpart , opposite ! However, all opposites have the same origin ! They are merely two sides of the same coin . Opposites are always identical Light-----Dark , Hot------Cold , Loud -----Quiet , Good-----Bad , Right---Wrong , Light ------Shadow . There is not one without the other . Everything can be seen from two sides . Thus opposites are identical according to their nature , only different in the degree of their expression . As heat and cold are two poles on a scale , so also the positive and the negative are two extremes which are identical according to their nature . The extremes are in reality only two endpoints of the same thing. With many different facets and degrees between the two between hot and cold can also be lukewarm ....or between light and dark also dim. So also in every negative is a bit of positive and the more we come to the other endpoint all of it . YOU determine on which pole YOU put YOUR attention . Energy follows YOUR attention . What do YOU feed when with what ? Turn the pole ....the coin if you do not like something in your life ....YOU decide !!!!
6. the principle of the rhythm or the vibration
Everything is constantly in motion and everything is subject to a predictable rhythm . Inhale and exhale , ebb and flow , sunrise and sunset , day and night , birth and death ,
action and reaction , high and low , wakefulness and sleep .
Everything is in the flow of time , everything has its perfect rhythm . Even the four seasons carry you through the year with a certain rhythm .
The movement is like that of a pendulum that always swings to the left as well as to the right. Everything that tends to the right also strives to the left in the same measure.
The balancing and harmonizing is the rhythm. If you get the feeling to balance rhythms and not to be dominated by them, it will be possible for you to avert a constant up and
down in YOUR life.
Life is energy ....Energy is constantly in motion. It moves in waves.
Overcome rigidity and live flexibility.!!!!!
7. the principle of gender
Gender manifests itself on all levels. Everything has masculine and feminine elements. Everything is male and female at the same time. Everything consists of female and male energies. Every human being carries feminine and masculine energies . YIN and YANG . They are two ends of the same origin . They are ONE. You yourself are also male and female at the same time . ( NiCHT HORMONE ....ENERGIE !!!! "wink"-Emoticon ) The male Yang is active , giving and fiery , the female Yin is passive , waiting and feeling . You feel comfortable and in harmony with yourself when you keep Yin and Yang in balance . Live both sides. Then you are in your center and have the opportunity to overcome the polarity.
Each of us has creative power. These seven principles allow you to create life as you wish and as it is good for you. If you understand, feel and internalize all seven principles, you will receive the "master key". You will come to realizations and deep insights. Only PLEASE for your sake. Always apply everything in love.
It is work .....also spiritual work ....but it is worth it ....for EVERYONE !!!!!
"The principles of truth are 7. He who knows and understands them possesses the master key by whose touch all the gates of the temple open. The Kybalion
Text : Sigrid
ps.: The Mind Clearing System is built according to these principles
Everything has two poles ....Everything has a counterpart , opposite ! However, all opposites have the same origin ! They are merely two sides of the same coin . Opposites are always identical Light-----Dark , Hot------Cold , Loud -----Quiet , Good-----Bad , Right---Wrong , Light ------Shadow . There is not one without the other . Everything can be seen from two sides . Thus opposites are identical according to their nature , only different in the degree of their expression . As heat and cold are two poles on a scale , so also the positive and the negative are two extremes which are identical according to their nature . The extremes are in reality only two endpoints of the same thing. With many different facets and degrees between the two between hot and cold can also be lukewarm ....or between light and dark also dim. So also in every negative is a bit of positive and the more we come to the other endpoint all of it . YOU determine on which pole YOU put YOUR attention . Energy follows YOUR attention . What do YOU feed when with what ? Turn the pole ....the coin if you do not like something in your life ....YOU decide !!!!
6. the principle of the rhythm or the vibration
Everything is constantly in motion and everything is subject to a predictable rhythm . Inhale and exhale , ebb and flow , sunrise and sunset , day and night , birth and death ,
action and reaction , high and low , wakefulness and sleep .
Everything is in the flow of time , everything has its perfect rhythm . Even the four seasons carry you through the year with a certain rhythm .
The movement is like that of a pendulum that always swings to the left as well as to the right. Everything that tends to the right also strives to the left in the same measure.
The balancing and harmonizing is the rhythm. If you get the feeling to balance rhythms and not to be dominated by them, it will be possible for you to avert a constant up and
down in YOUR life.
Life is energy ....Energy is constantly in motion. It moves in waves.
Overcome rigidity and live flexibility.!!!!!
7. the principle of gender
Gender manifests itself on all levels. Everything has masculine and feminine elements. Everything is male and female at the same time. Everything consists of female and male energies. Every human being carries feminine and masculine energies . YIN and YANG . They are two ends of the same origin . They are ONE. You yourself are also male and female at the same time . ( NiCHT HORMONE ....ENERGIE !!!! "wink"-Emoticon ) The male Yang is active , giving and fiery , the female Yin is passive , waiting and feeling . You feel comfortable and in harmony with yourself when you keep Yin and Yang in balance . Live both sides. Then you are in your center and have the opportunity to overcome the polarity.
Each of us has creative power. These seven principles allow you to create life as you wish and as it is good for you. If you understand, feel and internalize all seven principles, you will receive the "master key". You will come to realizations and deep insights. Only PLEASE for your sake. Always apply everything in love.
It is work .....also spiritual work ....but it is worth it ....for EVERYONE !!!!!
"The principles of truth are 7. He who knows and understands them possesses the master key by whose touch all the gates of the temple open. The Kybalion
Text : Sigrid
ps.: The Mind Clearing System is built according to these principles