The source of creativity


Many people have heard of the law of attraction, which means that we draw things and events into our lives that correspond to our thinking. I prefer to call it the resonance principle,
which is better.
Those who deal with it more closely have sometimes more, sometimes less success in "manifesting" their desires. Now I can say it doesn't always work, but that's not quite right. Because it always works and very precisely, and as soon as you realize it, you can ask yourself which subconscious thinking has created what we don't really want.
But I don't want to go into that here, but rather raise the question of where this power comes from, with the help of which we become creators of our reality.
At this point I would like to quote a few sentences from the Masterkey System:
1.25 There is only one consciousness in the universe that can think, and when it thinks, its thoughts become objective things for it. Since this consciousness is omnipresent, it must be present in every individual; every individual must be a manifestation of this almighty, omniscient and omnipresent consciousness.

1.26 Since there is only one consciousness in the universe that is capable of thinking, it inevitably follows that your consciousness is identical to universal consciousness, or in other words, all consciousness is consciousness. There is no evasion of this conclusion.

1.27 The consciousness that is concentrated in your brain cells is the same consciousness that is concentrated in the brain cells of every other individual. Each individual is only the individualization of the Universal, the Cosmic Spirit.

1.28 The universal mind is static or potential energy. He's just there. It can manifest itself only through the individual, and the individual can manifest itself only through the universal. They are one.

So much for Charles Haanel, and it goes on with a few sentences in this chapter and thus deeper into consciousness.
Let's summarize here that there is a Universal Consciousness, and this Universal Consciousness is potential energy, that is, energy waiting to be able to act. So it does not become active itself, but is activated by the living beings. And through all living beings, from the smallest single-celled organism to complex living beings.
Yes, and a very complex living being is man, and he has the ability to become aware of himself. Unfortunately, however, man is so highly developed that he cuts himself off from the power he possesses.

This Universal Consciousness, of which Charles Haanel speaks, is thus the source of the power of our thoughts. In many cases, this force was personified and regarded as God, even though the ancient scriptures advised against it. Thus, one of the ten commandments of Christianity is: "Thou shalt not form an image of God." Also in Islam it is forbidden to make an image of God, even an image of the Prophet must not be. And that makes sense throughout.

To recognize this potential energy, you can simply look at the untouched nature. Everywhere we find growth, everything strives for the development of its kind, interwoven in a perfect system of symbiosis. Yes, of course there is a constant coming and going and also living beings that feed on other living beings. Whereby I also count the plants among the living beings. And nature always balances, a perfectly designed system of consciousness much larger than ours.

So if we want to make the most of the power of our thoughts, i.e. our creative power, we should do so in accordance with this Universal Consciousness, namely make optimal use of the system of life. This means that everything we manifest should bring as much benefit as possible to all those involved. Then growth arises, and this is the direction to which Universal Consciousness tends.

I conclude with a quote from the Huna from Hawaii: "He punawai kahe wale ke aloha".
It means: "Love is the source that flows freely".
You can think about it.


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