The vegetables and the soup
In relation to the mind clearing system, I am often reminded of a statement by my Taiji Master:
"I have supplied you with the vegetables, you now have to cook the soup yourself". Grand Master Chen Xiaowang.
It is the same with the mind clearing system. We have described it, here on our homepage you will find the instructions, explanations
and also background information on why it is so.
If I look at it closely, we have written it out of the consciousness of what can be achieved for oneself,
if one deals enough with the subject and takes responsibility for oneself and its healing in all areas.
The areas are all: health, love, prosperity.
Of course, there is a lot of mental work and a lot of experience behind it.
If you are looking for an abbreviation, there is no such a shortcut.
There is individual help from us, no question, but there we leave the way where we do everything for free.
Sorry, who ever really cares, i know what I mean.
Otherwise we do you no favours, there is just a sniff, a few questions asked, and then the one falls back into his trough to hand over his power to others.
I hope you understand what I mean.
All Love Bernd