The three power centers of the world: Vatican, City of London and Washington D.C.
The world is ruled from three centers of power.
The spiritual one is in Rome, the financial one in London, and the military one in Washington - or more precisely, in the Vatican, the City of London, and the District of Columbia.
The three do not belong politically to any of the surrounding nations, have their own legislation, do not pay taxes and use the same symbols of power.
The City of London - the center of financial exploitation
The beginning of what we now call "globalization", paving the way for the New World Order, is the rise of the British Empire as a world power.
The real center of power of the United Kingdom is located in the City of London. This is a corporation that has existed for over 800 years,
which controls, among others, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve Bank in the U.S., the World Bank and the EU.
The Bank of England has been privately owned since 1694, when King William III of Orange-Nassau made the City of London a sovereign state and signed the Bank of England
to the Vatican, which thus also controls the world's financial center.
In 1945, the Bank of England was nationalized by the Labour government and is therefore supposedly no longer a private bank, although it controls the Federal Reserve Bank.
It is run on behalf of the Pope by the Rothschilds - the guardians of the Vatican treasury.
Power over the City of London is held by the "Crown," which is not the same as the English royal family. To enter the City of London, the Queen must formally request permission from the Lord Mayor, who receives her at Temple Bar. Rather, the "Crown" is the directorate of the Bank of England, which controls the British Parliament through the Vatican Order of the Garter.
The Temple Bar marks a boundary point of the City of London, where the district called Temple belonging to the Order of the Knights Templar is located, which includes the Middle Temple and the Inner Temple. The logo of the Inner Temple forms a white horse in front of the sun symbol of the Jesuit Order. The white horse symbolizes the British Empire, the Order of the Garter, and the Crown Corporation, and represents the same white horse as the symbol of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
The white horse is also a Jesuit symbol, representing Pegasos from Greek mythology. Thus, the Jesuits rule the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, which is the core of the City of London Corporation.
The entire world is ruled by the Crown in the City of London and the Crown Colonies include Africa, China, India and the United States of America.
The power of the Crown Empire is based on commercial law, or international maritime law or treaty law.
This law does not apply to sovereign and free men and women.
When a name is written in capital letters, such as "JULIAN WEBSDALE", it means a corporation or group of corporations. The reason governments capitalize names is because they themselves are corporations and operate under commercial law or contract law.
Consequently, laws passed by governments are only applicable to corporations and not to living, breathing, sovereign free men and women of flesh and blood, as in the case of "Julian Websdale" or "julian websdale," who is subject only to common law in this spelling.
Washington D.C. - The Center of Military Oppression
There are two constitutions in the United States of America - the first went into effect at the Declaration of Independence in 1776 ( the year the Illuminati Order was founded by the Jesuits), but was illegally suspended in 1871 in favor of the Constitution of the Vatican Crown Corporation. The original Constitution for the United States for America was changed to THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
When Congress realized that the country was in financial trouble after the end of the Civil War, it made a financial pact with the devil, i.e., the "Crown" (or City of London Corporation, established by the Catholic Church on January 1, 1855), going into debt with the Pope.
The Pope and his banksters, however, did not want to give the money to the State unconditionally and therefore they thought of a way to exercise control over the United States, which is why the Ordinance of 1871 was issued.
Without the necessary constitutional authority to do so, Congress thus created a separate form of government.
The result of the enactment was a city-state called the District of Columbia in central Washington, with its own flag and independent constitution:
The Secret Second Constitution of the United States.
The District of Columbia's flag includes three stars, each designating a city-state within the three-city empire. Although these three city-states are geographically separate, they form an interlocking empire called the Empire of the City.
The Constitution for the District of Columbia operates under a tyrannical Vatican law called "Lex Fori" (Municipal Law). When Congress enacted the law in 1871, it created the UNITED STATES corporation and a separate form of government for the District of Columbia. This treasonous act, in complete disregard for the interests of American citizens, unlawfully allows the District of Columbia to function as a corporation outside the original Constitution of the United States.
The POTUS is the CEO (President) of the UNITED STATES corporation, operating as the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of the corporation. He governs along with his oversight committee (cabinet members) and managers (senators and congressmen). Barack Obama, like others before him, is a "vassal king" as POTUS, taking orders from the "crown" through the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA)/Chatham House.
The Jesuit-founded Illuminati Order created the Royal Institute of International Affairs in 1919. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) is the American counterpart to the RIIA and both created the Round Table (RT) based on the legend of King Arthur.
The Vatican in Rome controls the world with the help of the City of London and Washington D.C., which has the advantage of keeping the Vatican itself out of the picture when something goes wrong or opposition arises. The ruling principle is to make it as difficult as possible for people to find out who really controls power from anonymity.
While word has already spread among truth seekers that the City of London and the Rothschilds are high up within the hierarchy of the power pyramid, they too are ultimately just puppets for those who control them.
When there is trouble, people will attack the wrong enemy and if they succeed in winning, they will think it is all over, but the Jesuits will reposition themselves for the never-ending struggle for world domination.
To the Vatican, we are nothing more than slaves in a covert system of control that makes us think we are free when we are not. The Jesuits had realized that overt control and direct military oppression did not work so well and therefore decided to go underground in 1776 and over time we were gradually locked in a prison without bars.
This is also the real reason for the creation of the Illuminati Order, which was founded on May 1, 1776 - "coincidentally" on the same day that is celebrated as "Labor Day" and, consequently, is actually a "Day of Enslavement."
The Vatican rules over three of the world's seven billion people. The Vatican's colossal wealth includes enormous investments with the Rothschilds in Britain, France and the United States, with giant oil and defense corporations such as Shell and General Electric. Billions of dollars worth of Vatican gold bullion is stored within the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England and the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.
The Catholic Church is the greatest financial power as well as accumulator of wealth and property, and it owns more material wealth than any bank, corporation, cartel or government.
While two-thirds of the world's population earns less than $2 a day and one-fifth of the world is malnourished or starving, the Vatican hoards the world's wealth, profiting from it in the stock markets while preaching frugality and giving.
Much of the Vatican's wealth comes from selling indulgences for the forgiveness of sins. The faithful were even encouraged to pay in advance for committing sins so that they could be forgiven preemptively - which, by the way, is reminiscent of waging "preemptive wars" - and those who chose not to pay risked eternal damnation, according to their faith.
This practice also resembles paying bail to sell one's freedom in court, and which one can afford only if one is rich enough, no matter how great a crime or how little it is regretted.
Another method was to persuade wealthy property owners to sign over land to the Catholic Church on their deathbeds, in return for which they were promised a place in heaven. Pope Leo V built St. Peter's in this way, selling imaginary tickets out of hell and into heaven.
Between 1095 and 1291, seven bloodbaths were on the account of the popes, known as the Crusades, in which hundreds of thousands of Muslims and Jews were tortured and murdered in the name of God. This has not changed much to this day, except that today the Middle East is being overrun with war not directly from Rome, but from Washington D.C. on behalf of the Vatican.
The brutal soldiers of the Pope were the Knights Templar and they developed into today's secret society of Freemasons. From 1450-1700 followed the holy terror of the Inquisition, during which the Catholic Church burned tens of thousands of alleged witches and heretics alive at the stake.
The Vatican is also still suspected of having looted Nazi gold from Jewish victims during World War II.
In the last five decades, 1,500 priests and bishops have been accused of committing sexual assaults on tens of thousands of young people, and yet every effort has been made to prevent the victims from being compensated, at least financially.
Regardless, the Vatican still presents itself as a moral authority, upholding spiritual values such as poverty and chastity, while cardinals, bishops and priests try to sweep their crimes under the rug.
The Vatican has been under complete Jesuit control since 1814-1870, and not just since Jesuit Jorge Mario Bergoglio became Pope Francis. Although the Jesuit Order set out to protect the papacy, it has increasingly infiltrated Catholicism and is taking revenge on the Church for suppressing and banning it in 1773 and on the countries where it was banned - including many Catholic countries, including Germany. The Jesuit order has not even shied away from fighting other Christian orders.
The Rise of the Jesuits
Since 1572, the Jesuit Order has been involved in financial dealings - like the Knights Templar before them, whose properties were taken over by the Pope and his Order of Malta in 1312. The Jesuits created and controlled the Dutch East India Company, which was the first mega-corporation in history and only went bankrupt because the Jesuits had been suppressed by the Pope since 1773. In the U.S., they had a hand in the founding of Bank of America, JP Morgan, Chase and BNY Mellon, and in Switzerland, Lombard Odier & Cie.
The Jesuits brought a lot of gold bullion outside France to Switzerland and the United States in the 18th century. They are the secret controllers of the Vatican treasury, which they have officially controlled by the Rothschilds.
The Jesuits, the Vatican, Queen Elizabeth II and worldwide family syndicates play a leading role in banking. The financial system is controlled by the Order of Malta and the Order of Saint John.
The Order of Malta gained power to do so in 1312 through the papal bull "Ad providam" and the Jesuits took control of the Order of Malta in 1794 with the help of Napoleon Bonaparte and control of the Bank of England through alliance with the Rothschilds.
The Jesuits kept their wealth in the Swiss canton of Zurich - the former Roman settlement of Turicum.
Although Ignatius of Loyola is the official founder of the Jesuit Order, influential people such as Francisco de Borja (Francesco Borgia) and Alessandro Farnese were behind him and controlled it. Farnese financed the building and his name is also above the tomb of Ignatius of Loyola.
Without Francisco de Borja's wealth, the Jesuit order could not have existed. The Jesuit headquarters - known as the Curia Generalizia - is even located in an area named after the Familia Borgia called "Borgo Santo Spirito". Francisco de Borja had ties with Charles V of Spain and the papacy had been controlled by Spain since 1527, when Charles' army sacked Rome.
Other traces to those behind the Jesuits lead to Venice, to the Venetian Doge Andrea Gritti or also to Gasparo Contarini. Others involved in the creation come from Catholic countries such as Portugal, France and Spain, such as Simao Rodrigues, Peter Faber, Diego Lainez, Francis Xavier, the secret inventor of poisoning by inoculation.
The Jesuit Order was founded in 1534 by Ignatius of Loyola in the crypt of the church of St-Pierre of Montmartre with the participation of the Frenchman Peter Faber, who was ordained priest in the same year. It is instructive that the current Jesuit Pope Francis, in the same year of his inauguration, had canonized Peter Faber, who was the third most powerful Jesuit after Francisco de Borja and Ignatius of Loyola.
Thus, there is some evidence to suggest that actually the namesake for Pope Francis was not the ascetic Francis of Assisi, but Francisco de Borja, who came from the same family as Cesare Borgia, vowed by the power strategist Niccolò Machiavelli.
The Black Pope and the Black Sun
The Jesuit Order is led by the Superior General - the so-called "Black Pope" - who is the second most important person in the Catholic Church after the "White" Pope. However, this is officially denied.
From 1942 to 1946 there was no Black Pope after the death of Vladimir Ledóchowski, who was the leading figure in WW2 and successor to Franz Xaver Wernz, whose role in WW1 he continued. Ledóchowski is said to have been assassinated by Heinrich Himmler. Himmler was not only the head of the Nazi Schutzstaffel (SS), but, according to Eric Samuelson, a member of the Order of Malta, among many other well-known names. The theologian and editor of an anti-Semitic newspaper, Bernhard Stempfle, is said by some sources to have been a Jesuit and co-author of Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf.
Himmler's SS is said to have been created by the Pope and the "Holy See" (Sedes Sacrorum or Santa Sede/SS). The symbol of the SS, the Black Sun, is depicted in the Upper Group Hall of the Wewelsburg, the headquarters of Himmler's SS.
The position of the Black Sun and the design of the round tower of the Wewelsburg are based on the number 12, which also refers to King Arthur's Round Table or the previously mentioned "Round Table".
Skulls and bones are used as symbols by the Jesuits and by the SS. There is a crypt as a meeting place both in the round tower of the Wewelsburg, and at Yale University, the headquarters of the secret society "Skull & Bones".
Himmler was deceived by Ledóchowksi, who took advantage of Josef Stalin - another Jesuit-trained soldier. A great divide opened up within the Jesuit camp, similar to the Freemasons of the 19th century. The two opposing Jesuit camps were composed of Britain, Canada, the United States, and Australia on the one hand, and Germany, Italy, France, and Switzerland on the other.
Heinrich Himmler became the unofficial Black Pope of Old Europe and ruled until his death in 1945. The Jesuits from the "Venetian" New World were led by Edmund Walsh, who was associated with Georgetown University, which controls the United States through the Senior Executive Service and other divisions of the Crown Corporation.
Although it is obvious that the Venetian group prevailed with Great Britain as the "New Venice" and the United States instead of Europe, Himmler's Nazi legacy did not end there, however, in that the German Geozentrale and the German Defense Service, based in Dachau, are said to still be active.
This Nazi power center has departments called Odessas, Leibwache, Scharnhorst, Edelweiss, Lustiger Bruder, and Sechsgestirn, among others, which maintain links with Argentina.
Perhaps it is therefore no coincidence that the German Cardinal Ratzinger has now been followed by the Argentine Bergoglio in the highest office of the Catholic Church. But the Nazis also infiltrated other countries, including Britain, as can be seen from the Cliveden Set's approach to Hitler.
How the Jesuits rule the world
The founder of the Jesuits, Ignatius of Loyola, swore allegiance to the Pope and to destroy all his enemies so that he or the Catholic Church could gain control of the entire world. In the course of time, their power has increased more and more and since 1846 they have been the most powerful grouping in the world. In the meantime, they themselves have taken the place of the Pope and their goals often do not coincide with the Catholic Church, let alone those for which Jesus Christ stands.
They owe their power, among other things, to the insidiousness with which they infiltrate their opponents unnoticed and disintegrate them from within, as well as to their absolute ruthlessness, with which they eliminate even their opponents from their own ranks. This is made clear by their oath, which is supported by a large number of good sources.
Translation of an excerpt from the oath of the Jesuits:
I further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own, nor spiritual restraint at all, even as a corpse or cadaver, but will unhesitatingly obey any command I receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and Jesus Christ. I further promise and declare that if the occasion arises, I will make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and liberals, as I am commanded to do, to exterminate and destroy them from the face of the entire earth, sparing neither age, sex nor status; as well as that I will hang, waste, boil, peel, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, tear the stomachs and bodies of their wives and crush the heads of their children against the walls to destroy their vile race forever. (As well as) that if this cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangling rope, the steel of the dagger, or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority of the person or persons, regardless of their status in life, either publicly or privately, as I may be commanded to do at any time by an agent of the Pope or the head of the Brotherhood of the Holy Faith, the Society of Jesus.
In confirmation of this, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul, and all my bodily powers, and in testimony thereof, with this dagger which I am about to receive, I will write my name in my own blood, and should I prove false or faint in my resolve, my brothers and comrades of the Pope's militia may cut off my hands and my feet, as well as slit my throat from ear to ear, open my belly and burn sulfur in it, with all the punishments that can be inflicted on me on earth, and (may) my soul be tortured in an eternal hell by demons!
The Jesuits, with the help of their sub-organizations, control practically everything, including the secret services, the military, banking, Freemasonry, etc. At the top of all important institutions you can find high-ranking members like at the Sovereign Order of Malta or at the Federal Reserve Bank, Council on Foreign Relations or the Bilderbergers, founded by the Jesuit Józef Retinger.
They have immense wealth and knowledge. They have succeeded in making the world believe that their puppets, like the Rockefellers and Rothschilds, rule the banking system and the world. Although these two are indeed major players, their power is downright tiny compared to those at the very top of the pyramid.
Compared to them, Queen Elizabeth II is much richer than we are told because she belongs to the Guelph bloodline. She belongs to the Black or Papal Nobility - Roman noble families who either had their fiefdoms in the former Papal States or received their titles of nobility in the form of letters of nobility from the Pope. John Coleman and others have revealed that the Black Nobility and other influential people meet regularly on their ship, similar to Bilderberg conferences, when Queen Elizabeth II is in Venice, and that every time something important happens in the financial world or a war breaks out when the ship appears off Venice.
The Black Nobility is also known as the Committee of 300 and we usually only hear about the Duponts, Rockefellers, Melons, Morgans, etc. but there are also the names Bernadotte, Bourbon, Braganza, Grimaldi, Grosvenor, Guelphs, Habsburgs, Hanover, Hohenzollern, Karadjordjevic, Liechtenstein, Nassau, Oldenburg, Orange, Savoy, Wettin, Wittelsbach, Württemberg and Zogu.
Other groupings controlled by the Jesuits also include the Sovereign Order of Malta and the Order of Saint John, but also the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry or the Shriners, the Illuminati Order, the Knights of Columbus, the Ku Klux Klan, B'nai B'rith, Nation of Islam, Fruit of Islam, the Mafia Commission, Opus Dei and others.
(Author is not known to me)