Are we human?


An interesting question, I think at least. For most, of course, you can answer the question in the affirmative, as long as you refer to the biological origin,
with some I am not quite sure.

Why actually such a stupid question at first sight? Did I not pay attention in biology? Or is it possibly about something completely different?

Of course it is about something else, and that also shows the whole dilemma we are in right now. But at the same time it also shows the way to the goal, where we want to go.

I had written this text mainly with the situation in Germany in mind, but it is interesting for the whole world. And who really understands it, also understands what role Germany
really has politically and why it is still occupied.

Some of you may have noticed that I had written quite a lot about the "German Reich", and I certainly didn't mean the Third Reich of the little Austrian. But the "Ewige Bund Deutscher Länder", commonly known as the Kaiserreich.

And no, it is not about having an emperor again, nor that everything was supposedly perfect there.

The point is simply that this empire was built on human law, and most of the current states (or state-like entities) are built on commercial law.

Is this just jurisprudence or does it have a different background? It has another background and I would like to illuminate it in a very simple way here.

In commercial law we deal with persons, namely with natural and legal persons.

A legal person is a company, such as a limited liability company or a joint stock company. This company comes into being with its foundation and can participate in trade from then on.

A natural person is created from a human being by the compulsory registration in the birth register and can participate in trade from then on under certain rules.
Without this entry, it could not.

Just as the value of a company is measured by how much revenue it can generate, the same is true for a natural person. To put it simply,
the value of a human being (who, legally speaking, is no longer a human being) is determined by the earnings he or she can generate in the course of his or her life.
And thus the value of a company state increases by the number of its possible service providers. Got it?

Now, some of these service providers fall outside the normal range. These are children, the sick, the elderly and the unemployed, who are not in the normal work process and
who bring in less revenue. It's not that they don't bring in revenue; after all, they also consume and thus pay taxes. Just less.

One cannot do without children, they are now times means of production in preparation. They have to be taught to function as good citizens.

Sick people are already better there, apart from their consumption they improve and make possible the conversion of the health enterprise and the Pharmaindustrie. So they are a good means
to transfer the revenues generated by the other means of production upwards. After all, everyone pays into health insurance, and then you need ways,
to get that money.

Unemployed people do consume, but they have another important use. Since they usually arrive at the bottom of the social ladder, at the latest with Hartz IV,
they serve as a deterrent for those who produce normally. Because if you know where you will end up if you become unemployed,
one will try everything to avoid this state and is thus more compliant.

Yes, the pensioners, that's another problem. They consume, and if they are ill they bring also still profit, but annoying for such a national economy is that also.
But you can't tell people to get rid of them completely, so you try to keep them in the normal production process as long as possible,
and if they are short of money despite their pensions, they can earn some extra money.

Well, how is this view? Frightening? Nonsense? Or the truth?

But this is exactly how the world is currently structured, the means of production "belong" to fewer and fewer richer and richer owners, and on the intermediate levels there are many,
who also want to have a piece of the cake, ready to pick up the crumbs at the cat table of the super rich and powerful.

So that the natural means of production function in the best way, one provided naturally and feeds the thinking of the means of production accordingly with propaganda.

The measure of all things is always economic growth.

Ingenious, isn't it?

The solution is quite simple:

As in the German Reich, the goal should be the "welfare of the people," a government should be the representation of the people determined from the people, laws should be simple
and made in accordance with the will of the people. Politicians should be subject to these laws just as the people are.
This, of course, requires directly elected people who cannot hide behind parties and are personally liable to the people.
I assume that sideline activities and lobbying are mutually exclusive.

Important areas such as research and teaching should be independent of companies, as should health care and areas of public interest.

And if the results of the production processes remain with the service providers, i.e. with the people, everyone is better off.

And because security can only exist in the long term if the neighbor is also doing well, all those who are better off should help the others to reach the same level.
That applies within a people from also to the connections of the peoples among themselves.

Quite incidentally, a rosy John Lennon world could be reached with it sooner or later, and then, when all are equally well.

The current approaches go to the fact that it goes all equally badly under the Knute of few elites. And we don't want that, can go away.

Think about it.


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