The thing with the emolos
After this headline, everyone will probably ask what emolos are. Don't worry, I just came up with this term. I want to explain it right away, because it can be used to illustrate a lot of things that are going on in world history right now.
"Emolos" is an abbreviation for "emotionless", i.e. beings that don't know any or at least no real feelings. Of course, psychology also knows this group and calls them psychopaths, but this term is already too worn out for me in everyday language. Because as soon as someone behaves ruthlessly differently, he is quickly called a psychopath. That may be, but it doesn't have to be.
And why do I use the term "beings" and not "people"? Because precisely these feelings belong to the human being, and someone who lacks them can therefore not be human. Without that I would like to interpret something into it, others have already done that. It does not matter why it is so, it is decisive that it is so. And it is also decisive that without compassion also no conscience can arise. If these emolos do not harm others, then only out of the drive that otherwise it will be punished.
If we take the statements of psychology, in our culture so about 5% of the male population is affected, among women it is about 2%. And where do we find these emolos? Yes, everywhere among us, and very often in leading positions where they can exercise power. After all, those who have no conscience are not squeamish in their choice of means, because it is all about their own advantage.
Why is this fact so important to know? Because it is precisely these emolos who are currently striving to rebuild the entire world according to their ideas. And there it is already quite useful to understand this thinking.
I think of Magaret Sanger, who made this very clear in her writings. She described 90% of the population as incapable of looking after their own interests and she rejected democracy because, according to her, the voice of an "idiot" counts just as much as that of an intelligent person. Planned Parenthood, the organization she founded, was all about preventing the 90% of "idiots" from reproducing, and some of their demands involved forced sterilization. Incidentally, the first board member of this organization was Bill Gates Sr, the father of today's vaccination pope. In Germany, this became "Pro Familia".
So it was all about eugenics, the superiority of certain groups over others because of supposedly better genetics. With the effect that some see themselves as a superior group that has the right to dominate and, if necessary, decimate other groups.
The worldview of these self-proclaimed "elites" is very well reflected in the basic assumptions of most scientists:
"Here now are the ten central beliefs that most scientists adopt unchecked:
1. everything is mechanical in nature. Dogs, for example, are not living organisms with their own unique goals, but complex mechanisms. Humans are also machines, in
Richard Dawkins' vivid expression even "lumbering robots". Their brains are like
genetically programmed computers.
2. matter possesses basically no consciousness. It has no inwardness, no subjectivity, no "views". Also human consciousness is pure deception, pre-mirrored by the material happening in the brain.
3. the totality of matter and energy is always the same (the big bang, with which all matter and energy suddenly appeared, is the only exception).
4. the laws of nature are fixed once and for all. They are today as they were from the beginning and will be forever.
5. nature knows no intentions, evolution is without direction or goal.
6. biological heredity is exclusively of material nature, mediated by the genetic material, the DNA, and other material structures.
7. mind, our thinking and feeling, sits in the head and is nothing but brain activity. When we look at a tree, the image we see is not out there, where it appears to be,
but inside, in the brain.
8. memories are stored as material traces in the brain and are erased at death.
9. unexplainable phenomena like telepathy are pure imagination.
10. mechanistic medicine is the only effective medicine.
Together, these beliefs form the philosophy, or rather ideology, of materialism, the core idea of which is that everything is material or physical in nature, including the mind.
This belief system prevailed in natural science toward the end of the nineteenth century and is now regarded as established knowledge."
(from: The Science Delusion, Rupert Sheldrake).
One can examine and refute this thinking in all points, the book from which I quoted is already quite instructive there.
Nevertheless, this is the thinking of the elites, and they are only successful because they enforce their view of things without consideration. Precisely because they have no conscience.
And here, at the missing conscience, also the difficulty of the people arises to understand such a procedure. Because it exceeds every imagination, how ruthlessly these Emolos proceed.
They feel superior and do everything to dominate the "emotional fools".
Anyone who takes the trouble to understand the plans of the World Economic Forum (WEF) will find this thinking unfiltered.
Especially the transhumanism, which this association has in mind, is characterized by this thinking. With euphonious words, one wants to convince people that they should connect with computers, the physical and the digital reality should grow together. The culmination is the goal of loading human consciousness into a computer in order to then re-inject it into another body after the death of the body, thus giving the owner of the consciousness an eternal life.
The question now is, do we want to live in a world where such thinking prevails? Living beings considered as machines, extended to androids, command-executing slaves of an aloof caste of emotional cripples?
Or do we want to bring humanity back into the world?