I don't have time for such spiritual nonsense.


Yes, I admit that we live in turbulent times, with many influences from the outside, which can be perceived as threatening, because the measures due to the microbe
and the restrictions due to the alleged climate change already intervene quite strongly in the personal experience of one or the other.
But I am just now claiming the exact opposite. At the latest now we should become aware of our power, for ourselves but also for our fellow human beings and the
following generations, speaks the children.

Because exactly there lies the key.

"The question between the old and the new regime, the core of the social problem, is entirely a question of conviction in people's minds about the nature of the universe.
When they realize that the transcendent power of the spirit or mind of the cosmos is in each individual, it will be possible to formulate laws which take into account the
liberties and rights of the many instead of the privileges of the few."
Charles F. Haanel, Masterkey System 21.24
"So long as men regard cosmic power as a non-human and alien to humanity, it will be relatively easy for a supposedly privileged class to rule by divine right, in spite of
all the protestations of social feeling. The real interest of democracy, therefore, is to elevate, emancipate, and recognize the divinity of the human spirit; to recognize that
all power comes from within and that no man has more power than another man except that which can be conferred upon him at will. The old regime would have us believe
that the law was superior to the legislators; herein lies the core of the social crime of every form of privilege and personal inequality, the institutionalization of the fatalistic
doctrine of divine election."
Charles F. Haanel, Masterkey System 21.25

Admittedly, these sentences are quite complex, but really understanding them is worthwhile.

Let's get our power back where it belongs: to the people.

Does anyone remember the part in the movie Matrix when Morpheus explains the Matrix to Neo and Neo asks what happens when you die in the Matrix?
Because it's not real. And Morpheus answers: "In your head it becomes real".
One can think about it.


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