Fear and its consequences


Imagine the situation that you are on a hike through fields and meadows and now just take the shortcut across a larger pasture.
You have successfully overcome the fence and are just in the middle of the pasture as Hugo, this magnificent bull and pride of the farmer,
spies you and finds your red shirt very remarkable. Why this color makes Hugo angry and move towards you, we don't know.
We can only imagine that you are not inclined to philosophize about it at that moment. Also your consideration to calculate the distance to the star Betageuze with the help of the Lord Pythagoras is abruptly interrupted.

Seriously, in such a situation the body stops everything that is not directly necessary for survival. That is the digestion, that is unimportant at the moment,
that is the immune system, that can take care of itself later, and even thinking stops.

Because thinking is counterproductive in this situation, if you think, you are too slow. There are automatic programs running,
that help you to go full throttle and reach the end of the pasture before Hugo.

Why am I telling you this? We are in a scary situation right now. The enemy is much smaller, not a bull, but a virus,
which allegedly wants to kill you.

Why allegedly?

It is not only that many renowned doctors and scientists report that this virus is less dangerous than the flu that occurs every year,
but they can tell you a lot of things.

After all, almost all the news says just the opposite, a danger of gigantic proportions is threatening us right now.

And although the media bring out one terrible news item after another, let's pause for a moment and look for the facts.
I had already done this for another text on this homepage and used official figures from both the UN, who keep real-time statistics,
as well as the Federal Statistical Office.

The result is that we currently have fewer deaths than the statistics would suggest.
And this applies to all the countries I checked, such as Germany, Italy, China, the USA and others.

For Germany, you can also compare it with the data from the Federal Statistical Office database.

And once the fear is over, you can also think again and ask yourself what this is really about.

We should always be aware that we shape our reality with our thinking.

And always ask ourselves if we want to think what we are told to think or what serves us.

And in this current case, think about whether the measures might make sense for other reasons.

In addition to fear, it is always emotional consternation that we are confronted with and that should guide our thoughts.
After all, emotional consternation and compassion is what makes us human.

But as I pointed out in another post, psychopaths don't know this feeling and that's where the problem arises.

Because most people can't imagine how icily psychopaths act to their advantage, showing neither remorse nor compassion.

And this is exactly the reason why many manipulations take place so subtly and effectively.

Think about it.


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