

You have a lot of habits. Above all, habits of how you deal with YOURSELF. Habits are patterns.
Fed in the subconscious, these programs run constantly, ..............
It is simply not enough to decide that tomorrow, when I get up, I love myself....
You will certainly have experiences with it , from the past , which are not so conducive , for your self-love and have become habits .
The good thing about habits is can change any habit, above all, with conscious attention to the habits and with willpower.
How do you talk to yourself ?
What kind of words do you use ? Are they "constructive" or rather "negative"?
When something doesn't work out, do you say to yourself, for example....
"Bohh, I'm stupid" ?????
In what tone of voice do you speak to yourself?
Hard and demanding ? Or soft and understanding ?
What focus do you put on yourself?
Are you resentful towards yourself? Do you keep looking at the mistakes you have made? Can you not let go of these "mistakes", can you not forgive yourself?
Or do you manage to look at the "mistake" , learn from it , and then mercilessly focus on the positive things that make you you ?
EVERYONE has strengths, why don't you focus on them, but always on your mistakes?
Whenever you change something in your habits by consciously looking, and if it is in small steps, you will change your habits.
You just have to stick to it ... 100 X 1 % also results in a 100 % change of habit. 
Self-love arises from how you treat yourself. 
It must be practiced every day, new ......
It comes from how you treat yourself every day. 1.
1. speak well and benevolently to yourself (even when you make mistakes).
2. take care of your body, take care of it
3. find and live your dreams.
4. accept ALL feelings.
5. praise yourself regularly.
6. accept ALL thoughts.
7. really look at yourself in the mirror every day.
8. treat yourself to happiness and success from your heart.
9. stand up for yourself, even in hard times.
10. listen to your body and get to know it better.
11. accept challenges - trust YOURSELF more.
12. show gratitude.
13. be your best friend.
14. accept your body.
15. be honest with yourself.
16. treat yourself with consideration and devotion every day.
17. be the most important person in your life.
Last but not least, develop your own methods of treating yourself well.
Habits, should always stand for what they are ...
Habits should lead us through the day easier !
Does self-judgment lead us easier through the day ?
Do we feel better afterwards ? Do we master our day better ?
On the one hand we want to change our life, on the other hand we are convinced that we don't deserve it,
that we don't deserve all this (due to lack of self-love).
It is a paradox. ,

Wake up! Every person deserves to love himself. Everyone.
You too!

Practice self-love instead of thinking about it!
If you treat yourself well, even if it may feel a little weird at first, you can really connect with yourself.
You can get to know yourself ................. and more importantly, you can learn to feel yourself.
You show yourself in no uncertain terms how much you like yourself.
Every day.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you regularly perform mindfulness exercises to strengthen your connection to yourself?
With every small action in this direction, we do ourselves good and send unmistakable signals to ourselves .
Would someone who loves himself shy away from challenges?
He would not.
He would not be afraid of them. He is naturally more willing to take risks and therefore more successful. Why?
Because he doesn't beat himself up for any failures or mistakes on his part. Because he doesn't let all that stuff determine how much value he has.
Also, he is rock solidly convinced that he deserves happiness and success. That's why he goes out into the world, and strives for it.
That's why we can put the cart before the horse and face challenges. Because that's what a self-loving person would do.
Now it's your turn. 
How will you ever know that you are enough, that mistakes in fact say nothing about your worth, if you've never experienced it firsthand?
So shoo, out you go. Only in the heat of the moment, only in real life can you learn not to judge yourself. Even 100 years of brooding in your seemingly safe comfort zone won't do you any good. 


I believe that today only very few people really develop a healthy and loving relationship with their body from childhood.
And I am by far not only talking about outward appearances.
What makes you visible, experienceable, tradable in this world?
That's right, your body.
How the hell are you going to love yourself if you don't even know this part , your home and house , your temple ?
Something you don't know, you can't love.
When was the last time you really felt inside yourself?
When did you take the time to really go into your body, to appreciate it and to get in contact with it?
When was the last time you put all the babble and chatter in your head aside and paid attention to what your body was telling you?
The last time you felt really self-loving and energized, was the feeling more in your head, or more in your body?
I bet it was 90% in the body. It's also often the case that these good feelings flatten out extremely when the head gets too involved again
and separates you from the body out of habit.
Love is a feeling ... Self-love is a feeling ,
You don't feel feelings with your head !
It is not selfish to treat yourself exactly as you treat another person .
Love your neighbor as yourself...
Do you do what you do to yourself to your neighbor?

(Text Sigrid)

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