The five levels of healing

From Indian medicine (but also from other systems) we know the system of five levels of healing, which let us understand very well how real healing works.

The 1st level (physical, mechanical)

Here we are on a purely physical mechanical level, here we find the surgeons, the chiropractor, the physiotherapist as well as all other mechanical therapies. Here there is only a purely mechanical intervention in the body.

The 2nd level (biochemical)

The second level is a biochemical component, here we find all the traditional medicines but also the western medicinal herbs. This is about the chemical effect on the body.

The 3rd level (energetic)

Here we find all energetically effective therapies, such as the complete Chinese and the Indian medicine, low potencies of homeopathy, Reiki and similar energetically effective methods.

The 4th level (emotional level in the unconscious)

On this level one works with psycho kinesiology, EFT, Bach flowers and high potencies of homeopathy and the methods of Hawaiian medicine. Systemic constellations can also be found here.

The 5th level (spiritual, i.e. the mental level)

According to the Hermetic Laws, everything is spirit, everything is spiritual in nature. Here we find the deep-rooted beliefs and convictions, which were usually taken up in childhood
and were strengthened in the course of the life more and more. Simply because the personal reality is created by these very beliefs, and thus they become more and more solidified.
On this level we also find miracle healings, healings through prayers and deep meditation. This level is the key to everything.
(by the way, the Mind Clearing System(tm) also works on exactly this, the 5th level, because it helps to strengthen the serviceable beliefs and
change the non-serving beliefs).

Application and effect

Ideally, one treats a disease at the level at which it originated. If you stay on a lower level you will not achieve success, if you are above this level you will definitely achieve an effect,
because each level has influence on the levels below.

This explains very well why many diseases are considered untreatable, because conventional medicine classically works on the first and second level and there are some well-founded assumptions
that all diseases originate on the mental level.

Of course, there is also the question here, if it is all so simple, why does conventional medicine still have its successes? Why are some operations successful, although they only work on the first level? Quite simply,
if we look at the ritual with dme there is worked, we think only times of the preparation of an operation, then we find quite fast the explanation: By the entire surrounding field the patient believes in the success of the
operation and already we are on the fifth level. There are studies that show that the same drug is much more successful when it is injected than when it is given in pill form, and if it is a pill,
then the form and color makes an important difference.

To be clear, this is not meant to be a veto against conventional medicine, in emergencies of all kinds it is the first and important step to preserve a patient's life or restore a quality of life, only happens a real cure.

 If the step to the real healing is omitted then the problem comes again and again, in another form.
Because an illness is nothing else than a message of the soul and if we only kill the messenger again and again without understanding the message, yes then the message becomes clearer and louder.
I like to use this term "message of the soul" because it is so easy to grasp.
Strictly speaking, we are dealing here with unresolved soul conflicts, because in the depths of the unconscious we have
we have other convictions than we are aware of and therefore we are always in conflict with our entire being.


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